當年的少女情懷,總以為跟著這樣藍色浪漫的節奏晃呀晃就是懂得了歌詞裡面的意境,以為失戀就是那麼一回事、背叛就是一陣痛哭、悲傷就是拋開一切!好多年後的現在再重新聽到這首歌,感覺跟當年已經不一樣了,再仔細斟酌了歌詞裡面的意境,突然發現...原來『自責』也是另一種殘酷的報復(懲罰!?)吧!turn back time變成一種很強烈的願望、奢侈的想像!
我花了很多很多時間在黑暗中的找尋那個被turn off的開關,但其實那是找不到的,因為時空一直在變動,那個開關也一直隨著時光消逝...不過,最可怕的是那些細小的罪惡感、過往發生的情節總是會無預警地把你拉回那個黑暗氛圍裡!最後只能反反覆覆地又哭又笑!只是,現在年紀大了,很多時候不能像以前那樣浪費光陰、故作浪漫任性地細數悲傷,學著壓抑那些過去變成很必要的社會生存法則!學著拋開自責的情緒...就變成另一種浪漫的革命...
哈,套句巴士大叔說的「有冇壓力?人人都有壓力架喇!」所以有點壓力也是正常低!這就是人蔘咩!(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
Aqua《Turn Back Time》
Give me time to reason,
give me time to think it through
Passing through the season,
where I cheated you
I will always have a cross to wear,
but the bolt reminds me I was there
So give me strength,
to face this test tonight
If only I could turn back time,
If only I had said what I still hide
If only I could turn back time,
I would stay for the night... for the night
Claim your right to science,
Claim your right to see the truth
Though my pangs of conscience,
Will drill a hole in you
I\'ve seen it coming like a thief in the night,
I\'ve seen it coming from the flesh of your light
So give me strength,
to face this test tonight
If only I could turn back time,
if only I had said what I still hide
if only I could turn back time,
I would stay.
The bolt reminds me I was there
the bolt reminds me I was there
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say anything you want, yes, anything!